Monday, May 16, 2011

The One With the Peanut's reference...

Today, while I was surfing the internet out of sheer and complete boredom, I came across something that acutally got me thinking and was pretty intriguing...shocking right? I know, I was pretty surprised myself that I found something that has a little value to it.

The Philosophy of Charles Shultz
The following is the philosophy of Charles Shultz, the creator of the "Peanuts" comic strip. You don't have to answer the questions, just read this through and you'll get the point, hopefully. 
  1. name the five wealthiest people in the world.
  2. name the last five Heisman trophy winners.
  3. name the last five winners of the Miss America Contest.
  4. name ten people who have won the Nobel or the Pulitzer Prize.
  5. name the last half dozen Academy Award winners for best actor and actress.
  6. name the last decade's worth of World Series winners.
How did you do?
The point is, none of us remember the headliners of yesterday. They are not second-rate achievers. They are the best in their fields. But the applause dies. Awards tarnish. Achievements are forgotten. Accolades and certificates are buried with their owners.
Here's another quiz. See how you do on this one:
  1. list at least five teachers who aided you on your journey through school.
  2. name three friends who have helped you through difficult times.
  3. name five people who have taught you something worthwhile.
  4. think of a few people who have made you feel appreciated and special.
  5. think of six people you enjoy spending time with.
The lesson: The people who make a difference in your life are NOT the ones with the most credentials, the most money, or the most awards. They are the ones who CARE.

I LOVE THIS! It really made me think. How often do we spend soooooo much time thinking about the celebrities that dominate our news and how important we think they are; and all the while we are ignoring or taking for granted those that truly matter in our lives and those that are making us who we are.
I don't know about the rest of you but I couldn't for the life of me answer those first six questions {and trust me...I tried...I almost cheated by thinking about looking them up on the internet...}. But answers to the last five questions came to me in the blink of an eye. In fact I am going to share with you my answers to those last five questions :)
  1. Five teachers: Mr. James Felt, Mrs. Sandra Cordon, Mrs. Robin Edwards, Mrs. Ashley Shaw, Miss Marci Bishop. {And so many more, but it only asks for five and those five are the ones who have had the biggest impact on my scholastic journey}
  2. Three friends that have helped me through difficult times:
    1. Lexi Goodrich - She's always there for me and is never judgmental. She is my best friend after all and the one that I have crazy adventures with every time that we spend time together...even the classes we take together turn into total, epic adventures :) Love ya girl!
    2. Seawillow Knight - She is the voice of reason in my life and has been since Kindergarten {and that ain't no exaggeration folks} I know that I can go to her when my life is all messed and feels like its falling to pieces and she will calmly help me sort it all out and make it better again. Not sure what I would do without her to be honest.
    3. Devionare Jones - We survived rehearsal after grueling rehearsal together for not 1, not 2, but 3 full years...'nuff said.
  3. Five people who have taught me something worthwhile:
    1. My parents - they taught me how to work hard, to respect myself and others, and that I have the ability and the talent to succeed in anything that I put my mind to.
    2. My Grandpa Renstrom - he taught me to love everyone and to see the beauty in all of God's children...because every person is a child of God and every child of God is absolutely beautiful.
    3. Anne Morey - she taught me that it was ok to be wholly and completely myself. I have never met someone who is more comfortable with themselves than Anne is with herself and that is so incredible to me.
    4. Danielle Schow - through example she taught me that it's not only ok but totally awesome to be nice to every SINGLE person you come across. Dani always speaks to people with a smile on her face and she is always kind to people. She is such an amazing example to me {and she'd be totally embarrassed by this...}
    5. Any and every LDS missionary that go out and serve a full mission willingly - think about it...these guys are all of 19 years old, fresh out of high school, ready to take on the world and they willingly give up two years of their lives to preach this beautiful gospel. I have always admired them and will continue to admire them, even more so now that many of my friends are receiving their calls and are so excited about them. These valiant guys have taught me that this gospel is worth sacrificing for. {and yes I do realize that this is not a single person...but they are worth mentioning..every SINGLE one.}
  4. A few people who have made me feel appreciated and special: My family {every crazy one of 'em}, my bestest best friends {you know who you are!} and really so many people that are genuine that it would take forever to name them all.
  5. Six people that I enjoy spending time with:
    1. Lexi Goodrich - Duh...she's my best friend
    2. Seawillow Knight - again....duh....I feel like I've mentioned this already ;)
    3. Anne Morey - I always, always, ALWAYS have such a blast hanging with her!
    4.  Carson Kohler and Tina Vazquez - they are my squashmores that are squashmores no more and I FRIGGIN LOVE THEM!!!!!!!!!!
    5. Cassandra Taylor - We started at the Grub at the same time and rocked every Saturday night for almost 2 years! She is such a fascinating person and so much fun to be around!
    6. Any and all the people that I have met in my new ward! They are all such awesome people and I absolutely LOVE spending time with them!
This was really was kind of fun for me to think about and it really made me appreciate all those amazing people in my life that are my friends and my family. I am so blessed to have them in my life and I love them all so much!
And in parting my favorite quote from Charles Shultz: "Don't worry about the world coming to an end today. It is already tomorrow in Australia..."

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