Wednesday, January 25, 2012

100 Ways to Screw Up Your Life

  1. regret stuff
  2. accept being lied to
  3. stay in the wrong relationship
  4. succumb to addictions
  5. dream without taking action
  6. sleep more than you need
  7. play the guilt card
  8. victimize yourself
  9. avoid introspection
  10. work harder than you can
  11. don't play
  12. stop learning
  13. gossip
  14. aim to be famous
  15. follow the money
  16. don't make friends
  17. be lazy
  18. gamble
  19. be stuck in a job that you hate
  20. don't take risks
  21. be selfish
  22. don't listen
  23. lie to people
  24. lie to yourself
  25. don't ask for help
  26. don't exercise
  27. eat junk
  28. don't spend time in nature
  29. don't clean up your house
  30. procrastinate
  31. spend more than you can afford
  32. limit your social life
  33. choose a career instead of a lifestyle
  34. treat people like assets
  35. choose (and stay in) the wrong friendships
  36. reject criticism
  37. buy your relationships
  38. follow all of the rules
  39. don't manage your money
  40. promise more than you can do
  41. don't keep the promises you do make
  42. overdo
  43. quit
  44. say only yes
  45. say only no
  46. be a control freak
  47. walk your life in someone else's shoes
  48. be cheap
  49. abuse others
  50. accept being abused
  51. try to please everybody
  52. feed the trolls
  53. don't look people in the eyes
  54. don't believe insights
  55. don't travel
  56. don't read books
  57. live by assumptions
  58. be shy
  59. live by habit
  60. avoid mistakes
  61. pay yourself last
  62. hate
  63. be a perfectionist
  64. sabotage yourself
  65. waste your power on useless stuff
  66. be ungrateful
  67. think badly of yourself
  68. fake it till you make it
  69. don't manage your time
  70. solve the wrong problems
  71. be judgmental 
  72. complain
  73. accept crap
  74. take it personally
  75. don't laugh
  76. envy
  77. leave the passion out
  78. be a follower
  79. react instead of act on things
  80. live outside the present moment
  81. be average-ish
  82. be revengeful
  83. be resentful
  84. don't create value
  85. avoid confrontation
  86. when going through hell, stop walking
  87. don't clean up your lenses
  88. fall for "free stuff"
  89. race against others
  90. be an information junkie
  91. talk more than you have to
  92. be late
  93. accept frustration
  94. reject joy
  95. give in to pain
  96. be jealous
  97. think happiness is a goal
  98. panic
  99. don't love
  100. don't challenge yourself
Much love,

Monday, January 16, 2012

Boring Class BINGO!

     So anyone who has ever been in school...and I mean ever...understands that sometimes the lectures can be the dullest things of your life and really you don't know whether cry from boredom or just sleep. But you know that you can't do either because if you fall asleep you might miss the one important part of the whole class and if you just randomly start crying people will think you are having some sort of frightening break down and you might end up getting yourself committed to some psych ward somewhere.
     Luckily there are clever folks out there {I am not taking credit for this idea, I don't think this creatively when I am uber bored in class, I just end up surfing the web} that come up with great ways to get you and your friends to pass the time in class without sleeping.
     It's called Boring Class Bingo and it is actually pretty funny to play.
     You start out with a piece of paper, any paper will do, and you draw a chart that is 5 boxes across and 5 boxes down. In the middle is your free space {sound familiar yet? Yep it's your basic run of the mill Bingo set up} the twist on this one is coming.
     Now in whatever order you choose place the following things in the remaining boxes:
  • Student who obviously rolled out of bed five minutes ago
  • flirting couple
  • student leaving ridiculously early
  • blatant cell phone use
  • nodding off student desperately trying to stay awake
  • shameless sleeper
  • holy crap that guy/girl just won't shut up!
  • [attempted] subtle cell phone use
  • sunglasses indoors
  • brave but fruitless show of individuality from "that" kid
  • socks and sandals
  • someone eating an entire meal
  • achingly attractive member of the opposite sex
  • flustered T.A.
  • technical difficulties
  • hilariousness due to foreign professor
  • every adjacent student on facebook
  • someone's phone going off full volume
  • student arriving ridiculously late
  • obviously stoned kid
  • classic video game played on emulator
  • student clearly working on something for another class
  • that's obviously not coffee in that thermos
  • professor says "divide into groups"
     Now the way my friends and I play it is we assign different point values to each of the squares because not every single one of those things happen every class period. So it is possible to get Bingo but that doesn't really mean that you are going to win the game. Although word of warning...don't excitedly scream out bingo in the middle of your boring class.....that might just get you committed to that psych ward I mentioned earlier.
Have fun friends ;)
Much love,


Oh my's already 2012!!!!!
Seriously where did 2011 go????
This year is going to be so great though. It started out fun enough after all. 
My UTES WON and became the champions of the SunBowl.
Fantastic way to finish out our first year in the PAC! 
Proud of my boys in red!!!

I went to a rockin' New Year's Eve party with my bestest best friend 
and then New Year's Day my 

I'm a very proud Ravens fan right now. AFC North Champions!!! GO RAVENS!
Also they are continuing on to the Divisional Playoff game against the Patriots!
Proud of those boys in purple!
I am so excited for this new year though!
The new year brings with it new opportunities, new adventures and even more important a new, clean slate. I am so ready to make this year the best year of my life so far. I've already started that by buying myself a car! As I was driving it home from the dealership I kept thinking over and over again "Holy crap I'm an adult now!" funny how that hit me just now. I mean I have finished almost two full years of school at the U but it took buying a car of my very own for the whole adult thing to hit me.
I love my new car though and I really think that it is one of the very best decisions I have ever made. He's a cute 2010 Hyundai Accent GLS (and yes I did say he. I drive a boy car haha)
Name: Boo-RayLew {and yes there is a detailed story behind his name. Ask me about it sometime and I will tell you ;) }
Proud Parent: ME
I am so stoked about this car!!!!!!

I am so super excited for 2012! I feel like it is going to be a fantastic year!
Since I don't make New Year's Resolutions (why make a promise to yourself that has more than a 60% chance failure rate?) I instead pick a few of quotes that I try incorporate into my daily life. 
Here's a sample of them for you:

"The most important thing is to enjoy your life - to be happy - it's all that matters." -Audrey Hepburn

"Know your limitations, and then defy them."

"Being normal is not necessarily a virtue, it rather denotes a lack of courage."

"If everything seems to be under control, you are simply not going fast enough." -Mario Andretti

"A person who is nice to you but is not nice to the waiter is not a nice person"

"I may not be the strongest, I may not be the fastest, but I'll be damned if I am not trying my hardest."

And finally the one that I really need to remember in my life: "Sometimes not being in control is the most beautiful thing in the world"

Happy 2012 my friends! I know I am a couple of weeks late but hey better late than never right?