Thursday, September 27, 2012

Embrace the Fear

Life is a scary thing.
Really though, think about and what we consider reality is kind of a really terrifying thing.
And I didn't really realize it until I was tossed out of the doors of high school into college.
And while I haven't had too much of a dose of reality I have felt some of its residual effects and you know what? I've come to the conclusion that I don't really like it.
This whole adult thing? Yeah, not all it's cracked up to be. 
I wouldn't want to stay a little kid forever me I would rather be an adult than a child.
But if I could take the best of both worlds and mash them together that would be ideal.
What I have come to realize, the hard way unfortunately, is that there is no way to avoid or hide from reality. It will always find you. And the fear of reality and life and the "real world"? Yeah that'll always be there too. 
I found the best way to deal with it is to just embrace the fear.
Really, it's that simple.
Embrace the fear and take the plunge and you know what's even greater? Somehow everything works itself out.
If we could just learn to just let go of the control a little bit and be brave enough to embrace our fears instead of running away from them I believe that life would run more smoothly.
Now this is easier said than done.
What they neglect to tell us in grade school and high school is that growing up is scary.
It just is.
Becoming an adult is not easy thing and I kind of understand Peter Pan's desire to remain a child forever...kind of...
It's a necessary thing, however, and while it is terrifying, it is also wonderful.
There are awesome things that adults can do that kids can't.
So really we need to embrace the fear and take the plunge.
I had a very wise little eight year old girl tell me that all my problems could be fixed if I would just:
"Breathe and be brave"
Sometimes it just takes a child to tell an adult {yes I just called myself an adult...scary right?} to just get over their fears and go for it. 
Oh the irony.
But she was right.
We just need to breathe and be brave and show the world who we are. Proudly. Unapologetically. 
I know now that I will never apologize for who I am.
I am who I am and I am never going to change for anyone. You can take me or leave me as I am, because I like who I am and I don't have to like you if you don't like that.
I'm gonna end this post with a snippet from one of my favorite songs, "Carry On" by Fun.
"If you're lost and alone or you're sinking like a stone;
Carry on.
May your past be the sound of your feet upon the ground;
Carry on."

Much love,

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

No Other Gang of College Men Dare Meet Us in the MUSS!

What a great day to be a UTE!
The Holy War belongs to the Utes for four glorious years.
The other night was literally one of the best football games I have ever been to.
Never before have I heard Rice-Eccles that loud before, and it was truly an impressive thing to be a part of.
It's been said before but I'm going to say it again, the MUSS is a fantastic student section!
I like to think that we make a difference for our home team.
I have never heard us get that loud (when the Y had the ball) or that quiet (when we had the ball). It was so much fun.
The Holy War is such an emotional game that the win is always a little sweeter for the team as well as the fans.
I'm angry at the Ute fans that rushed the field early, because well they kind of almost lost the entire thing for us which would have been beyond embarrassing, but it's not that I don't understand it. I just think that maybe some of those kids should brush up on their knowledge of football and understand that we need to wait for the FINAL whistle that signifies the end of the game...duh.
That all being said I do need to give a nod to BYU. They played a heck of a game and fought until the very end, I have nothing but respect for the way they played and I want to thank them for providing a great game for us. In the end though the better team won.
I do find it kind of hilariously ironic that the game ended at 11:59 pm though...take from that what you will haha.
I can't wait for the next home game!! It's against USC so we will need as many MUSS members and Ute fans to show up as we can get. They're definitely a tough team and it will be an interesting game for us to say the least.
However, next up on our schedule is at ASU and I'm excited to get all snoodled up on my couch and watch my boys in red play the game that I love. Good luck Utes!
And as always here are a couple of pictures from the Holy War
Reasons I love the MUSS #2,005: This kid

 Not only did we have Jesus we had Moses...We are really cool kids.
 One of my most favorites! We look really good if I do say so myself.
A little Grub love in the MUSS

We were not impressed with the officials in this game. The game was basically brought to you by the color's ok..we still won...three times.

Right after the game, so excited that we won!!
Proud of those boys in red!!!

Much love my friends and GO UTES!!!!