Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Welcome Back!

Aaaaah it's that time again.
Time for new pens, pencils, notebooks and highlighters.
Time to remember why a planner is so essential.
Time to recall your severe dislike of homework.
That's right ladies and's the school year.

I know, I know it feels like it should still be time for flip flops, short shorts, tank tops and long summer nights.
Unfortunately those days are basically over with and awaiting us to get through another school year.
Unlike many of my friends, who started school Monday {haha suckers} I started yesterday.
And gotta was pretty much one of the greatest first days...ever
I loved my classes {well most of them} the people seem fun and the professors seem like they know what they are doing.
So far it is shaping up to be a promising semester...and I'm excited. 

However...because it is school it gets dull....but here are some things to do to keep your interest
  1. Play SPOT THE FRESHMEN: A lot of the time this is laughably easy....because they look so wide eyed and lost and they have campus maps glued to their hands....gotta love them
  2. Talk to at least one new person in each of your classes...hey who knows maybe you will find your new best friend?
  3. Find a nice spot on campus to just sit back, relax and participate in a favorite sport...people judging
  4. Stake out a comfy chair in the library and take a quick cat nap between your classes
  5. And finally feel free to giggle at anyone who totally eats it after crashing on any of the crazy wheeled apparatuses flying around campus {after making sure they are ok first of course}

Well my friends its time to get back into the swing of things with school.
And all I can say to that is:
Bring it on Fall 2011, bring it on.

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