Sunday, October 14, 2012

Just a few musings on a Sunday Night

You know that feeling you get on Sunday where you just had the whole day to yourself, and it's been great, and then you remember that you have to go to school the next day, and it just ruins the rest of the night? 
Well maybe I don't have school on Mondays....But I do have work...and that can also ruin the Sunday feeling.
I gotta say this Sunday has been a good one for me, one of the best that I can remember in a long time actually.
I went to a friend's ward today to support her because not only was she singing in her Sacrament meeting she was also teaching her Relief Society lesson so the least I could do was go and support her in that.
Not gonna lie, it's been a minute since I have attended all three hours of any church meeting, usually I am able to make it to Sacrament but then something usually calls me away, so I kind of forgot what a commitment it can be to sit through all of church like we are supposed to haha.
I'm glad that I stayed though, for some reason one particular speaker in that Sacrament meeting has been sticking in my head since I got home.
He was asked to speak on his impressions from the General Priesthood meeting of General Conference that happened just last weekend and he chose D. Todd Christopherson's talk. While his talk was really well done and delivered well, that's not the part that is sticking out so much to me. What I'm talking about was near the end of his talk he did something while unconventional it was extremely powerful to me.
His talk was focused on how men should stand up and work harder than they have been in the past couple of years.
He then asked all the Priesthood holders in the room to stand up.
It was an impressive sight to see all the men in the room standing.
He then said something to the effect of now look at those sitting around you, those are the people that need you. They need you to be worthy priesthood holders. They need you to be worthy men. They need you to stand up.
The spirit in that room was so powerful and I honestly got chills.
It was one of the most powerful meetings that I have had the pleasure of attending.
His words are sticking in my mind of our need for worthy priesthood holders.
And I feel so blessed to live in a time where there are so many.
The sight of all those men standing up in that meeting was a powerful one; one that will stick with me for a long time. It's an amazing time that we are living in where we have worthy priesthood holders literally surrounding us. It was definitely a powerful image.
All in all I guess what I'm saying is that I'm really glad I went to that ward today.
It's funny how the Lord is so mindful of our needs, isn't it?

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