Monday, December 19, 2011

Still Here!

     Holy crazy last couple of months batman!!
I promise I didn't just fall off of the face of the planet.
Although during finals last week there were many a time where I felt like that would be the more attractive option.
Thankfully I survived that awful week and am so ready for Christmas break and being able to kick back and relax and actually be able to read the books that I want to and not just textbooks...yep I am crazy excited to be able to do that...sad right?
I have a few things to recap on.
First of all, the rest of the Utah football season was a fun time. I am way sad that all the regular season games are over...I miss going out to those games...but I am so STOKED for next season!!!!
There's still the Sun Bowl in El Paso for us to rock. Georgia Tech best prepare themselves for the Utes ;)
Next season is going to be so much fun!!

The most exciting thing that's happened in the last few weeks, though, is finals finally being over with....I'll be real with you here...I didn't think they ever would be. But thankfully I took my last test last Friday and breathed a HUGE sigh of relief as I walked away from the classroom. I may or may not have danced like a crazy person out of excitement too ;) haha it was a good time.

Now I'm just super excited for Christmas to get here! I love this season and ready for the best holiday ever! 
Only 6 more sleeps until Christmas!

And of course being me, here are a few pictures of my adventures over the last couple of weeks.
(and yes you will be thinking "But Lindsey these are basically all at the football that all you do? And sadly yes....between school and work and football I don't really have all that much time to do anything least nothing worth taking pictures be sad for me if you want to, but I sure had fun)

Black Out Game vs. Oregon State. And of course we won because we are just that awesome :D

We found Waldo in the MUSS....and yet didn't bat an eyelash...only in the MUSS  people...only in the Muss

yeah it was cold

This here is Lexi's and my new best friend. He came up behind us in the MUSS and wanted to photobomb us but instead took a pic with us...again...only in the MUSS, only in the MUSS

We finally let him photobomb was all posed

First ones in the stadium. I think that qualifies us for best fans least for that game

This is the friend that got me through my finals.....such a good friend ;)

GO UTES....even at T-Square we represent

One of my favorite nights out with my girls. Such a fantastic way to start out Christmas Break.

I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas week and an even better Christmas break; I know that I plan to. Love you all and I hope you remember the reason for the season and keep all your Christmas thoughts Christ centered.
Much love!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Certainly Uncertain

     Basically I'm a control freak. 
I know this.
My friends know this.
My family knows this.
My coworkers know this.
Probably even strangers know this after dealing with me for more than five minutes.
It's just part of who I am.
And bless my family, friends and coworkers' hearts for putting up with it.
Really though, it's almost a problem sometimes, I really really hate the loss of control.
Unfortunately in this life we can't control everything...doesn't that drive you nuts? It certainly drives me crazy.
Basically all of our futures are uncertain, we never know exactly how it will play out, and while at times this is really nice at other times I would really, really love to be able to control how my future plays out, especially when I feel like I have screwed up.
The only thing I can be certain about is that life is uncertain....which drives the control freak in me insane!

Luuuuuuckily there are some things that I am absolutely certain about
  • My family will always love me unconditionally no matter what
  • I have some of the best friends in the entire world and we have been through so much together. Love you guys!
  • A few guardian angels most assuredly have my back
  • I made the right decision in going to the University of Utah last fall
  • I love my Utes
  • I am, always have been, and always will be a Ravens fan
  • Diet Coke can basically fix anything
  • There has not yet been a day bad enough that a little diet coke, chocolate and Breakfast at Tiffany's hasn't been able to fix
  • Hugs are simply the best things in the world
  • My fellow Grubstars are the best people you will ever meet....ever
  • Cowboy Grub sugar cookies...well if you haven't tried them need to...they're just that good
  • You are never too old to believe in fairytales
  • Music speaks when words fail
  • Football brings out my most competitive self {don't you be trashing my Ravens or my Utes....You'll get it ;) }
  • My favorite people in the world tend to be those who can make me laugh when I don't even want to smile.
  • Football Sundays and Monday Night Football make me happy inside

Even though our futures are uncertain that is no excuse to live life looking in the review mirror. We must embrace the uncertainty of it all and run head first with our eyes closed into the future...and if a control freak like me can commit to trying to do this better I'm sure you guys can do it too!
Much love my friends!
P.S.....since it's Sunday I have to add: GO RAVENS!


        Sooooo I promised this blog post a while ago
    It's all about one of my most favorite people in the entire world
    I love Carson

     We have a lot of fun together....Like when we went to UTA...."I love cowboys...GIRLS I like girls!" "What a coincidence so do I" HEY! Are you straight? Because I really couldn't tell.....drunk hooker....spending more time in her room than mine....Les Mis at Pleasant Grove High (holy schnikies it was soooo good!) back of the bus adventures...
     Really, really love her. We basically have a million pictures like this of us....we enjoy pictures together.
    And then came Voices of the Holocaust. And while a show about the Holocaust really shouldn't be all that funny Carson and I made it a party.
    "It's the darkest part of the night...I'm going" ~SNOOOOOORE~ (still unsure of how we didn't get in trouble for that)
    We are emigrating to Ameeeeeeeeeriiiiiica (even though we are French)
    "I am NOT a love machine!"
    and so many more that I just can't remember right now.....I seriously love this girl 
    CARSON...go to the U!!! 
    The end :)

    Tuesday, October 25, 2011


    Here's a secret about Lindsey that most people don't know....I'm extremely competitive. Most of the time I don't let that side shine through because I don't find it very attractive at all and it makes me say things that normally I end up three seasons out of the year I pretty much keep it under wraps. But there is one season that makes it difficult to stay on the non-competitive side of things; that season my friends is football season...I get really involved...especially when my teams start losing...

    Sooooooooo this past weekend? Depressing to say the least.

    I mean my Utes lost to Cal... and my Ravens lost.... to the Jaguars of all teams...just no comment there.....
    It was rather depressing overall.

    Luckily this coming week is a fresh start for all of them.
    And friends, it should be a great week.
    Utes play Oregon State at home on Saturday (ps our MUSS blackout shirts are awesome!!! So excited!!)
    and the Ravens face off against the Cardinals.
    Should be an interesting set of games

    Good luck boys!
    <3 Go Utes and Go Ravens! <3

    Monday, October 10, 2011

    Get Psyched!!!

    Who likes music???
    Silly question...everyone likes music.

    Well dear friends its football season! And I have decided to make an epic playlist to get psyched before games!
    Mostly it consists of a new guilty pleasure of mine: Classic Rock.
    So without further it is...My Get Psyched playlist for Football season!

    1. I Wanna Rock - Twisted Sister
    2. We Will Rock You - Queen
    3. You Shook Me All Night Long - AC/DC
    4. Hot Blooded - Foreigner
    5. You Give Love a Bad Name - Bon Jovi
    6. Bad Reputation - Joan Jett and the Blackhearts
    7. We're Not Gonna Take It - Twisted Sister
    8. Eye of the Tiger - Survivor
    9. Cherry Pie - Warrant
    10. Back in Black - AC/DC
    11. Another One Bites the Dust - Queen
    12. I Love Rock 'N Roll - Joan Jett and the Blackhearts
    13. Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap - AC/DC
    14. Rock You Like A Hurricane - Scorpion
    15. Come On Feel The Noise - Quiet Riot
    16. Highway to Hell - AC/DC
    17. Pour Some Sugar On Me - Def Leppard
    18. Hit Me With Your Best Shot - Pat Benetar it's all basically classic rock...But promise this playlist will psych you up!
    Shout out to How I Met Your Mother (greatest show in the world...I tweaked Barney's Get Psyched playlist to fit my favorite songs)

    Get psyched my friends, get psyched!

    Sunday, October 2, 2011

    Go Utes?

    Anyone that knows my family well (and even some people that don't know us too well but have met my big brother Matt) know that the BYU Cougars are important in this house.
    If my brothers could...they'd bleed BYU blue.

    However....I go to the U.


    But I figure "Hey, my daddy went to the U as did his dad and a few other members of my family, so it's all good right?"


    Still gets a little uncomfortable when someone obnoxiously says "Go Utes!" or "hey, hey, hey....54-10" when my brother is around {that someone being me of course ;) and I really just do it for the reaction...hehe it's on purpose. promise I am only a little evil}

    But I digress....

    Yesterday I went to my very first Utah football game as a part of the MUSS

    and I am pleased to report that it was a friggin good time! {Even though it was a loss it was still fun!}

    By going I made one grandpa very proud of me {shout out to Grandpa Smith!} and one grandpa just smack his face with his palm {It's ok though, because Grandpa Renstrom still loves me :) } 

    I had tons and tons of fun cheering on the Utes from the MUSS even if I did get confoosed a couple of times {hey give me a break the last college football game I went to was Cougar football, I'll get it down soon though promise!!}
    MUSS with this girl = PARTY!

    Go Utes?

    Lexi and I are D. Coke best friends for life!

    Diet Coke gets me through the losses....

    Mad, mad skill


    Yeesh Washington TD in the first 20 seconds.....not so good
    At least that's what my face is saying ;)

    We can be cute in a picture!!

    I like this one lots actually haha

    Starting to love my Utes <3

    I'm super excited for next week's game!

    GO UTES!

    Thursday, September 15, 2011


    Remember when rivalry week used to be fun?

    You'd get all hyped up all season, bets would be made, jabs would be said, gauntlets would be thrown down?
    There'd be themed food drives, facebook groups and parties?

    You'd listen to the older fans talk about the "glory days" of their Utes or their Cougs; while the younger kids were throwing out stats and numbers from previous games in the season trying to convince the other that the Cougars or the Utes were obviously going to come out the victors?

    Emotions would run high. Maybe even a fist fight or two would break out? And someone would end up in tears...(oh wait those weren't the fun bad)

    So Saturday is the Holy War....except talk to most Utah and BYU fans and you'll feel like no one is all that excited about it this year...

    In fact in one of my classes today Dr. W asked us "Now isn't there something exciting happening on Saturday?" trying to be funny. But in reality none of us immediately came up with the Holy War. In fact most of the class was surprised to hear the the Rivalry Game was already upon us. And apparently it wasn't just our class but that that same reaction has been happening all over the place on both campuses.

    Maybe because both teams aren't playing their best.
    Maybe because it is so gosh darn early in the season.
    Maybe because they aren't in the same conference anymore.
    There really are a whole lot of reasons

    Really though maybe this lack of enthusiasm for the game this year is a good thing. Because let's face it....the rivalry was getting ugly. Both sides did things to each other and said things to each other that they would not ever do or say under any other circumstance. I've seen the rivalry destroy friendships and spread tension among families so maybe it is a blessing in disguise that it doesn't seem to be that big of a deal this year.

    Either way this Saturday's game should be fun! I am confident of it!
    To be honest though I am torn between two schools to that I say:

    Yes...all one with it :)

    Wednesday, August 31, 2011

    What are you REALLY afraid of?

 most people with the internet I get bored and end up on websites like stumbleuponyoutube or pinterest and stare mindlessly at the screen whilst continually scrolling though all the strange things that people post onto this world wide web (really though...don't people think before they post?...but I digress) Every once in awhile I run into something that is a little better than this video

    or even this video
    I know right? How can there be better things out there than this? But really my friends there are, things that actually have substance...I was just as shocked as you are right now..really I was.
         As I was scrolling through today I found a quote that went a little something like this:
    "You're not afraid of the dark, you're afraid of what's in it.
    You're not afraid of heights, you're afraid of the pain that would come from falling.
    You're not afraid of the people around you, you're afraid of rejection.
    You're not afraid to love, you're afraid of not being loved back.
    And you're not afraid to try again, you're afraid of getting hurt for the same reason."
    Interesting Right??
    It really got me thinking of my own fears and if I was actually afraid of that specific thing or if it was the consequence of if that scared me so much.  And what I discovered was truly fascinating. Take for instance my fear of having to introduce myself to a whole room of people one at a time, that's a pretty common fear for most people. But is it really the introductions or the people that scare us? The answer I came up with was no, not at all. I myself claim to be a people person, I love people and I love talking to people, but it is that moment right before I take the plunge into meeting a new person that my stomach clenches and my body and mind kind of freeze up. It's not the person/people that do that to me but the possibility that they won't like me for whatever reason. So my fear of introducing myself to a whole bunch of new people all at one time really translates into a fear of rejection of some sort {which again is a pretty common fear among human beings...I'm not too original...sorry guys...} I don't know...maybe it is just the psych major in me but I find that truly interesting.
         It works for most fears too...except my fear of spiders...that's legit...those little buggers are terrifying....
    Go ahead, try it with your own fears...
    I dare you.

    Wednesday, August 24, 2011

    Welcome Back!

    Aaaaah it's that time again.
    Time for new pens, pencils, notebooks and highlighters.
    Time to remember why a planner is so essential.
    Time to recall your severe dislike of homework.
    That's right ladies and's the school year.

    I know, I know it feels like it should still be time for flip flops, short shorts, tank tops and long summer nights.
    Unfortunately those days are basically over with and awaiting us to get through another school year.
    Unlike many of my friends, who started school Monday {haha suckers} I started yesterday.
    And gotta was pretty much one of the greatest first days...ever
    I loved my classes {well most of them} the people seem fun and the professors seem like they know what they are doing.
    So far it is shaping up to be a promising semester...and I'm excited. 

    However...because it is school it gets dull....but here are some things to do to keep your interest
    1. Play SPOT THE FRESHMEN: A lot of the time this is laughably easy....because they look so wide eyed and lost and they have campus maps glued to their hands....gotta love them
    2. Talk to at least one new person in each of your classes...hey who knows maybe you will find your new best friend?
    3. Find a nice spot on campus to just sit back, relax and participate in a favorite sport...people judging
    4. Stake out a comfy chair in the library and take a quick cat nap between your classes
    5. And finally feel free to giggle at anyone who totally eats it after crashing on any of the crazy wheeled apparatuses flying around campus {after making sure they are ok first of course}

    Well my friends its time to get back into the swing of things with school.
    And all I can say to that is:
    Bring it on Fall 2011, bring it on.

    Monday, August 22, 2011

    Still Believe the Best is Yet to Come

         Ever hear of a little band called Red? Well I heard them for the first time like a year ago when I saw this amazing routine done to one of their songs. Wish I could say that I immediately fell in love with them...because I didn't...but they did grow on me. And now I really appreciate a lot of their songs and respect them as a band {which is a huge compliment coming from me because I don't respect a whole lot of artists out there...I mean I like a lot of them but it takes a lot for me to respect them.} 
         Anywhoosers the reason I bring them up is they have a song on their most recent album "Until We Have Faces" called  "Best is Yet to Come." And, at the risk of sounding so cliche and so cheesy that it will make you want to throw up, it really spoke to me. {too bad that does sound really cheesy and kind of makes me a little sick to my stomach but there just isn't any other way to put it} Unfortunately I don't know what the composers of the song's original intent was, but I did take my own interpretation from it.
         Every year at this time {right before a new school year starts} I get a little nervous. Like I don't want to move on because I'm afraid that if I keep growing up the best moments of my life will be behind me, which is also the reason that I may or may not hold on to things a little longer than I should. But then I heard this song, I thought to myself "Holy crap! Red is reading my mind...freaky." And it helped me to grasp the idea that the best is yet to come. There are so many things that I have yet to experience that most definitely the best is yet to come.
    Best is Yet to Come
    Afraid it won't come 'round again
    Afraid to move on
    Wishing I could go back when
    Everything was easier and meaningful to me

    Wanting all we left behind
    Like it's the answer
    An hour glass we can't rewind
    Holding back the life that I've denied for so long

    Can I find my way to you?
    And After all that we've been through
    And after all we left in pieces
    I still believe our lives have just begun
    Cause now the past can be outrun
    And I know you are the reason
    I still believe the best is yet to come

    A photograph's still in your hands
    Afraid to let it go
    The minutes rain like grains of sand
    And time is just a war that's stealing dreams from within
    So come and take them back again

    And After all that we've been through
    And after all we left in pieces
    I still believe our lives have just begun
    Cause now the past can be outrun
    And I know you are the reason
    I still believe the best is yet to come

    I won't turn around
    Let it all slip away
    I'm never backing down
    Cause tomorrow's a new day
    And everything can change

    And After all that we've been through
    And after all we left in pieces
    I still believe our lives have just begun
    Cause now the past can be outrun
    And I know you are the reason
    I still believe the best is yet to come

    I still believe the best is yet to come
    The best is yet to come
    I still believe the best is yet to come 
         So like I said before...I don't know the composer's original intent for the meaning of this song but that was just my interpretation of it, what I came away with. I like to believe that the sign of a truly fantastic song is its ability to speak to many people but not necessarily have them all walking away with the same interpretation of its meaning.
    I still believe the best is yet to come....

    Thank you Red for this.

    Thursday, August 18, 2011


          Oh hey school starts on Monday....wait....WHAT???

         Really though....didn't I just barely hand in my last paper like yesterday??? At least that's how it feels to some respects I feel like I am still waiting for my summer to begin and now it's ending? Now that just isn't fair. But if I really think about it Summer 2011 has been very good to me. I have gone on many a crazy awesome adventure with my wonderful, crazy, awesome friends. This summer was definitely one of the best summers to date.
        It's a sign of a good summer when it feels like it has gone by altogether too quickly. There are so many things that I still want to do but I guess I have to save those awesome things for next summer; or there is always holiday breaks right? haha. On the other hand though I have done so many awesome things this summer that made amazing memories so I am totally and completely satisfied with the adventure that was Summer 2011. If I really truly sit down and think about this past summer I come away smiling and that is what I aim for and what I call a good summer. I was able to play with my best friends basically everyday as well as have the opportunity to meet and make new friends who I love. Granted all this fun was interrupted with work but that wasn't even that big of a deal because I do love my job and my coworkers so very much that it isn't too much of a chore to work.
         I am totally going to take this opportunity to share some of my most favorite pictures from this summer though...because they bring a smile to my face...and if you don't like then...well...go start your own blog then haha.
    Gage's birthday at classic skating! So much fun!

    Thor adventure at midnight

    One of the many, many reasons we are best friends

    The photo that began the photobomb chain of Summer 2011

    Special car adventures. Also photobomb.

    Our very first MC face!

    Just creepin in an empty theatre before Green Lantern

    Stuff on screen went "Boom"

    Proof that we can take a cute picture every once in awhile

    We love weddings! But really one of the best adventures of the whole entire summer!

    First late night Molca run, with our special fweind ;) We love AJ lots

    Hating on the Biebs

    Justin Bieber with a girlfriend? Nope....Definite marketing fail

    Adventures with my girls!

    Favorite :)

    Another MC face....basically it's one of our favorite poses ever!

    Look comes the smolder

    Yeah we are this cute in real life too...don't be too jealous of us

    Fat Boys for our best friend. Brilliant idea if you ask us

    Boot picture! You have to wear your boots when you go to Cowboys and's a must!

              I just want to thank my wonderful and amazing friends for helping to make this one of the best summers ever. I am sad to see it end but I am super excited for the next stage of our lives to begin. If this summer is any indication at all, if we stick together it'll be an adventure. Love you all!! And away we go!

    Sunday, July 31, 2011

    And the World Spins Madly On...

         Ever have one of those weeks, you know where every itty bitty insignificant thing totally and completely stresses you out? Those weeks where you just want to curl up into a ball in a corner somewhere and not come out for a reeeeeeeally long time? Those weeks where everything frustrates you for no reason at all? Yeah those weeks suck so badly. And I am truly sorry for any of you that have had a week like the one I just had.
         It's not that it was a hard week or anything, it was just one of those weeks where your mental state just isn't prepared to do anything harder than sleep. So when something harder than that activity comes up, as they inevitably will, that's how life is after all,those things make you feel uber stressed and just icky.
         There's just been so much drama lately and while I was watching it play out in front of me the song World Spins Madly On by the Weepies kept playing over and over again in my head. Because no matter how dramatic life gets the world keeps spinning, life keeps moving on and there's no stopping it. I just think everyone needs to take a step back and take a deep breath. Especially me. I just need to breathe and let myself be.
    Thankfully I have wonderful coworkers, many of which I am proud to call my friends and wonderful friends that I don't have the pleasure of working with that are very understanding of me when the stress is just too much for me to handle and I snap at them for no reason. They are the reason that I am able to get through weeks like the one that I just had. Their understanding and caring and their willingness to lend a listening ear when I needed to whine and complain about my life {that isn't really awful at all} I love them and am so grateful to them. Thanks you guys!! You do more good than you know and I love you for it!
         We have this one chance at mortality...this one jaunt on Earth to prove ourselves...let's make the best of it. 
    ...And the world spins madly on... 
    Woke up and wished that I was dead

    With an aching in my head 
    I lay motionless in bed
    I thought of you and where you'd gone
    and let the world spin madly on

    Everything that I said I'd do 
    Like make the world brand new
    And take the time for you
    I just got lost and slept right through the dawn 
    And the world spins madly on

    I let the day go by 
    I always say goodbye
    I watch the stars from my window sill 
    The whole world is moving and I'm standing still

    Woke up and wished that I was dead 
    With an aching in my head 
    I lay motionless in bed
    The night is here and the day is gone
    And the world spins madly on

    I thought of you and where you'd gone 
    And the world spins madly on.
    Sometimes we want to freeze a moment...but, just like scenes on the highway, it rushes by as the world spins madly on

    Thursday, July 14, 2011

    Dear Dumb Girl at the Gas Station....

    Dear dumb girl at the gas station with the nice jeans, cute shoes, fantastic sunglasses and huge diamond ring....

         People like you....IRRITATE me! It's not the jeans, it's not the shoes, it's not even that new Marc Jacobs bag you kept swinging those I say more power to you...they're gorgeous and I love them. No it's the fact that you are like 22 and CAN'T PUMP YOUR OWN GAS! Really...what's with that? I mean come on lady! We live in America....we drive cars....we NEED gas. Every person with a drivers license knows how to pump their own gas; at least that's what I had assumed, guess I was really, really wrong.
         I saw you while filling up my own tank, we did that awkward eye-contact-with-a-stranger-smile thing and I went back to my own business. As I was finishing up you ever so politely asked me if I could help you with the gas pump, I laughed thinking you were kidding. Apparently you weren't. "Wait what? Are you serious? You can't pump your own gas for your ridiculous, too-big-for-a-woman-of-your-size Cadillac SUV? Am I getting Punked?! Will I get to meet Ashton??" At least that is what I wanted to say to you...I didn't.... but I thought about it.
         Sooooooo of course I helped, I wasn't raised in a barn for goodness sakes, and taught you how to pump gas for your still ridiculous Cadillac SUV and went on my merry way. But really lady...can't pump your own 22-ish years of age? Most Americans know how to do that by at least 14 if not younger for some. Unless you are Amish or from a third world country I think you should be able to pump your own gas. How in the world did you get your rockin jeans, fabulous sunglasses and that Marc Jacobs bag that I am still drooling over? I mean you came across as someone that was well versed in the ways of the automobile...again I guess I was wrong...but COME ON! You must know by now that America basically runs on gasoline, even Cosmo runs articles about it...ya gotta know how to do it. I mean if the Kardashians can do it...surely you should be able to...just sayin....
         But really...
         Since I taught you how to pump gas and everything, which is a valuable life skill...really it is....I think you owe me that Marc Jacobs bag in return...I mean it's only fair. We are BFFL's now after all. It's just the polite thing to do.

    XOXO, Lindsey

    PS - I'm gonna tell you to drop the guy that put that huge rock on your left hand...not the ring...just the guy. I mean really, if he wants to marry a woman who can't even pump her own gas then he must not be the sharpest crayon in the crayon box, if you know what I mean. That relationship is just doomed to fail. And I only say this because we are BFFL's after all. I probably wouldn't be very good for his ego...lemme guess he wears ridiculously tight t-shirts with too much bling on them, has an orange tint to his skin and wears his douche-ey sunglasses indoors? Thought so..time for that relationship to end...I'll be composing a letter for him soon.

    Sunday, July 10, 2011

    So Blessed

    Best friends!
         The other day I was talking to a good friend of mine about life and how different it would have been had I chosen to go to Utah State University last fall. I could not believe how different my life would be. There would be so many people that have made a huge impact on me this past year that I might not have met. There are others that I have grown close to that I probably would have never even begun friendships with. So many adventures that I would have missed out on and so many experiences I wouldn't have had. I'm sure that I would have had awesome and crazy adventures as an Aggie but it was still completely weird thinking about how many people and adventures and experiences would be missing from my life had I chosen to go away to school.

    Carli. Love her. Nuff said.
    Best friend since Kindergarten.
         This chat also helped me to realize just how extraordinarily blessed I am. It's almost as if I have an embarrassment of riches in the blessings department. I was thinking about everything that happened in this last year and the person that I am now compared to the person that I was a year ago and I am just so grateful for all of it. This past year at school I really think that I have discovered who I am, and yes I do realize how cheesy that sounds but its the truth, and what I truly want from life. I feel as if I have a clear path in front of me and I know what I want to do with my life {for the most part at least, I am still open for changes no matter how drastic they may be}. I'll be honest with all of you, last year at this time I felt lost, completely and hopelessly lost. I didn't know what school to go to, what I wanted to study, whether or not I wanted to minor in anything and whether or not I even wanted to go to school in the fall. But luckily I finally made the decisions that brought me to where I am today, and I am so grateful that I did. I have an extraordinary passion for my chosen major {just ask any of my close friends and they'll tell you that I ooze psych major sometimes.... I just can't help it!} I have loved almost all of my classes so far and I have made awesome friends! I feel great about my choice of school and I'm so glad that I chose to go to school last Fall in the first place.

    Halloween at the
         I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason, whether that reason is obvious or not. I believe that certain people come into our lives at specific times for very specific reasons. And that is so totally true, at least in my life it is. I have been seriously blessed with an amazing group of friends and seriously awesome co-workers. I absolutely love the place that I am in my life and I love the people that came into and stayed in my life. There have been a lot who have walked in and walked right back out, and while they all taught me valuable things and helped to make me who I am right now, the fact remains that they are no longer in my life and there are some that I really miss. Those that have stayed in my life have taught me valuable things and continue to teach me daily, and I am so grateful to them.

    My Theatre people. Oh how I miss them
    Love her!
    Love and miss this!
         Everyday I am amazed at the goodness of my friends. I wish they could know all the good that they do. Most of the time it is just by their example that their goodness shows through. Just in the way that they treat their peers, their families, and even strangers. You can tell a lot about a person by the way they treat a complete stranger, usually someone that can do absolutely nothing for them, and I am so proud to say that most of my close friends treat these people very well. I am amazed at their abilities to make friends quickly with people that were previously strangers to them and to create a very comfortable environment around them, I hope to one day be able to do this myself. There is so much that they teach me just by their examples. I am very lucky to have the people in my life that I do. They remind me every day that there is good in this world, that there are still wonderful people around and that one person can make a huge difference in the world. I thank God every day for these amazing people that He has sent to be my friends and I hope that I am half the friend to them that they are to me. They mean the world to me and I am unbelievably grateful to them. Like I've said about a billion times already in this post I am so unbelievably blessed.
    Princess Stairs with Anne!


    I love you all so very much, and don't want you to ever forget that you are incredible individuals that deserve all the best in the world! Don't ever be afraid to be amazing because that's what you already are naturally.