Best friends! |
The other day I was talking to a good friend of mine about life and how different it would have been had I chosen to go to Utah State University last fall. I could not believe how different my life would be. There would be so many people that have made a huge impact on me this past year that I might not have met. There are others that I have grown close to that I probably would have never even begun friendships with. So many adventures that I would have missed out on and so many experiences I wouldn't have had. I'm sure that I would have had awesome and crazy adventures as an Aggie but it was still completely weird thinking about how many people and adventures and experiences would be missing from my life had I chosen to go away to school.
Carli. Love her. Nuff said. |
Best friend since Kindergarten. |
This chat also helped me to realize just how extraordinarily blessed I am. It's almost as if I have an embarrassment of riches in the blessings department. I was thinking about everything that happened in this last year and the person that I am now compared to the person that I was a year ago and I am just so grateful for all of it. This past year at school I really think that I have discovered who I am, and yes I do realize how cheesy that sounds but its the truth, and what I truly want from life. I feel as if I have a clear path in front of me and I know what I want to do with my life {for the most part at least, I am still open for changes no matter how drastic they may be}. I'll be honest with all of you, last year at this time I felt lost, completely and hopelessly lost. I didn't know what school to go to, what I wanted to study, whether or not I wanted to minor in anything and whether or not I even wanted to go to school in the fall. But luckily I finally made the decisions that brought me to where I am today, and I am so grateful that I did. I have an extraordinary passion for my chosen major {just ask any of my close friends and they'll tell you that I ooze psych major sometimes.... I just can't help it!} I have loved almost all of my classes so far and I have made awesome friends! I feel great about my choice of school and I'm so glad that I chose to go to school last Fall in the first place.
Halloween at the
Grub |
I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason, whether that reason is obvious or not. I believe that certain people come into our lives at specific times for very specific reasons. And that is so totally true, at least in my life it is. I have been seriously blessed with an amazing group of friends and seriously awesome co-workers. I absolutely love the place that I am in my life and I love the people that came into and stayed in my life. There have been a lot who have walked in and walked right back out, and while they all taught me valuable things and helped to make me who I am right now, the fact remains that they are no longer in my life and there are some that I really miss. Those that have stayed in my life have taught me valuable things and continue to teach me daily, and I am so grateful to them.
My Theatre people. Oh how I miss them |
Love her! |
Love and miss this! |
Everyday I am amazed at the goodness of my friends. I wish they could know all the good that they do. Most of the time it is just by their example that their goodness shows through. Just in the way that they treat their peers, their families, and even strangers. You can tell a lot about a person by the way they treat a complete stranger, usually someone that can do absolutely nothing for them, and I am so proud to say that most of my close friends treat these people very well. I am amazed at their abilities to make friends quickly with people that were previously strangers to them and to create a very comfortable environment around them, I hope to one day be able to do this myself. There is so much that they teach me just by their examples. I am very lucky to have the people in my life that I do. They remind me every day that there is good in this world, that there are still wonderful people around and that one person can make a huge difference in the world. I thank God every day for these amazing people that He has sent to be my friends and I hope that I am half the friend to them that they are to me. They mean the world to me and I am unbelievably grateful to them. Like I've said about a billion times already in this post I am so unbelievably blessed.
Princess Stairs with Anne! |
Yep.... |
I love you all so very much, and don't want you to ever forget that you are incredible individuals that deserve all the best in the world! Don't ever be afraid to be amazing because that's what you already are naturally.
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