You know, I have been meaning to blog for awhile but things just kept coming up that kept me from actually sitting down and taking the time out of my busy schedule to ramble for a few paragraphs about my life. But as life in college has taught me: my time is never my own. I probably shouldn't even be taking the time to write right now (hehe write right....sounds funny in my head) but it is a well deserved break from the finals craze that I have been feeling lately.
21st birthday antics with my best friends!! |
What to tell you about my life?? I did turn 21....finally! And my wonderful, beautiful and slightly insane friends made it such a memorable experience and I adore them for it!! There really hasn't been much going on lately, other than studying and working...ahhhhhh the life of a college kid haha. If a lot of my friends weren't living the same kind of life I would feel cheated in a way. Kidding of course, I love my life and where I'm at. I believe I may have mentioned this in a previous post but I did finally figure out what I want to do with my life post college! I finally figured out what I want to be when I grow up!! It's a real big deal kids, trust me. PR is my true calling in life and I feel like I won't just be good at it but that I will be great! I'm excited for this next step and hopefully everything will work out for the best for me. Other than that, though? Nothing too exciting has happened in my life. For my friends, however, great things are happening. One best friend has left for her mission to Milan, Italy! Another has gotten engaged to her best friend (and while I give her crap they really are one of the cutest couples I have ever had the pleasure to be around and yes I did steal the picture from your Facebook...what are you gonna do about it??). Yet another best friend's missionary came home and even though they are the most nauseating couple I've encountered (kidding....mostly) I have never seen her so happy and that makes me happy. My best friend in the entire world became my coworker!
Congrats to these two kids on the engagement!! Their kids are gonna be dimes for sure |
and we are all getting so close to graduation, even if it doesn't feel like that sometimes. I am just so excited to see where life takes us all in the next five years. Sometimes I wish I could fast forward a few years just to take a sneak peek at us and how we are all doing. One thing I know for certain is that we are going to be so successful in whatever we choose to do.
It seems to me like this is the year to get engaged! I am so excited for all of my former classmates that have found the people they want to spend time and all eternity with and wish them nothing but happiness with their spouses! And those that have chosen to go on missions? I couldn't be prouder to call those people my friends. It is incredible the number of missionaries and future missionaries that pop up on my news feed on nearly a daily basis, and that my friends is an amazing sight.
Italy is so lucky to get this girl for 18 months!! Miss my Condizzle!! |
I reached an epitome the other day that I want to share with the blog-a-sphere. I was thinking about my sweet friends that are all getting ready to get married and while I am super excited for them it's natural for it to bum me out a little bit (DON'T WORRY, I AM IN NO SHAPE OR FORM READY OR WANTING TO GET MARRIED AT THIS POINT IN MY LIFE) but seeing them so happy with their spouses-to-be does have a buzz kill effect sometimes. I love dating, and dating life don't get me wrong, but seeing my friends so happy with that one special someone makes me a little bit jealous. Well I don't know if jealous is the right word....I'm sure most of you know the feeling I'm talking about. I've also realized that if someone doesn't accept who you are or who you've been then they won't accept you for who you're going to be and they don't deserve you in the first place. You shouldn't change who you are for anyone but yourself and I think I am finally starting to understand that. Look at me guys, I'm growing up (this is the part where you go awwwww just in case you didn't know ;) ).
Other than that though? My life is pretty and work and if I'm really lucky I get to sleep too haha. But of course...being me I'll share some gem-like pictures with you to end this long overdue blog post.
She's back from her adventure in Hawaii!! Missed her like crazy! |
And....of course....I miss football....CAN'T WAIT UNTIL AUGUST!! |
Much love!
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