I strut my stuff with lotsa confidence!
Cause though I lack an awful lot
There is one thing that I got-
I got positoovity
I got positoovity....
Cause once you've heard that word
There ain't nothin' you can't do!
So let that positoovity work for you!
This is quite possibly the best mantra that I have ever gotten from a Broadway musical (or any other source for that matter). It's from a song in Disney's The Little Mermaid The Musical, which I love, love, LOVE!
Really go listen to the soundtrack...it's incredible..and will bring a smile to your face guaranteed (unless of course you are a heartless ogre...but that's your own issue)
Anywhoosers Positoovity just makes me want to be positive! I listened to it tonight right before I went to work and it totally changed my whole attitude. Immediately I was happier and definitely more willing to smile at everyone, because as the song says with positivity (or I guess positoovity :-p) there's nothing you can't do. And that is so true. My beloved French teacher Mdm. Durst over at Olympus always like to quote one of the coaches there in saying that a positive attitude changes everything, which it really, really does!! I full heartedly believe that positive affirmations will make a situation turn out for the better.
Tonight at work I felt reassured in this belief. More than one person commented on how nice my positive attitude and that it was so good of me to be so positive. It's always nice to know that one's positivity isn't all for not, that there are people watching and appreciating it.
Even better about tonight was Elder M. Russell Ballard and his sweet wife coming into my work (they are the first couple in the above picture)
I'm always SO starstruck when they come in. He just eminates goodness and light and I have never met a kinder woman than Sister Ballard. She is probably one of the sweetest people alive and I hope to be half the woman that she is some day. Seeing one of the Apostles or the Prophet in person is always such a testimony builder because there is just this light that radiates from their eyes, and their wives are definitely the same way. There is a defintie energy of kindness that just flows from them. Seeing them in person, doing everyday things like eating in a restaurant reminds me that they are human, just like me, and that maybe, just maybe if I work at standing as a witness of God at all times and in all things and in all places I might someday have the light that shines through their eyes.

Even in his photograph the light of Christ is in his eyes and kindness is etched upon his visage, and the cool thing is that it is not just Elder Ballard's photo that is like this. All of the photos of the General Authorities of the LDS church give off the same things. It is a true testimony to me of the goodness and truth of these men that lead this incredible church.
However the best part of my entire evening I must say is that as Elder and Sister Ballard were leaving he turned, waved to me and said "It was nice to see you again." Elder Ballard knows who I am! He may not know my name but he recognizes my face. How cool is that?!? Like I said: Seriously starstruck!
So yes positivity can make your whole day awesome, and I am so glad that the song Positoovity reminds me of that, and it's so upbeat and catchy...just makes me wanna smile!!
Not only does Positivity make your day better, it makes the days of those around you better. Positivity not unlike a cold is totally contagious but with a much better result.