Guys....the 80's had to have been such a good time...I mean consider the song I named this post after.
Gold. Pure Gold.
And no, don't worry...this post isn't about some boy that I've recently met and decided is the one.
Ain't nobody got time fo dat.
But seriously, I've been thinking about the L word for a little bit lately because I've had more than a few friends and acquaintances get engaged in the past six months.
To me, right now, love is a scary thing. How do you know that the person you are with is the one you want to see every day, every morning, every night for eternity?
That's a really long time you guys.
Like a really long time.
I can't even imagine spending that much time with one person.
Of course maybe that's because I haven't yet met someone that makes me want to be with them for eternity...unless you count Tom Hiddleston...I may love him more than Otters...right?
I just think it's a little bit crazy that people my age and younger have decided that they have found the one that they want to be with for the rest of eternity.
I'm still figuring out who I am.
No way can I add another person into this mix right now.
Relationships that last longer than a year still blow me away.
It's not that I am against relationships and love, on the contrary I'm all for them. And props to the people that have found the one and are happy....I'm just blown away that they were able to do it so quickly.
But all this got me thinking about how people even meet now.
We live in something that experts call a "hook-up culture" meaning that people our age merely hook up with each other once and then move on to the next with no attachment or strings.
Consider the popular app Tinder that matches you solely based on physical appearance. Or Higher Ed Hookups a site dedicated to the sole purpose of anonymous sex on college campuses.
People don't meet each other the same way our grandparents or even our parents did anymore.
Nobody's eyes meet from across the room and they dance the night away and fall in love.
It just doesn't work that way anymore.
That room still has just become digital.
And in my personal opinion the whole digital revolution has ruined dating and meeting people a little bit.
Talking to friends of mine I can see the frustrations that this digital age has created.
It's almost as if we don't know how to talk to each other face to face anymore.
It's so much easier to shoot someone a like on Instagram or a tweet than it is to actually go up to them at a party and start a conversation, and no amount of staring makes up for that loss.
Has this digital revolution caused us to lose our nerve when it comes to talking to the opposite sex?
Have we become so shy publicly that the only way we can interact with someone we might be interested in is through the internet?