Saturday, September 21, 2013

If You Ain't Here to Party

 Last night we went to Luke Bryan. 
It was incredible.
It was amazing.
It was awesome.
It was one of the best nights of my life.
I'm so glad that I got to go to that concert with two of my closest friends. We had so much fun screaming for Luke and singing along and acting like fools. I have so much fun with those two, and there is definitely never a dull moment!
We grabbed some dinner at Cowboy (we had to do it...we were going to a country concert so where else would we go to eat beforehand??) and then hustled our butts out to USANA because we really wanted to see Florida-Georgia Line perform.
We had gotten lawn tickets because that's one of the charms of USANA after all and staked out our spot for the evening.
We ran into some friends. Chatted. Took cute (and some not so cute) pictures and just waited until showtime.
And then Florida-Georgia Line hit the stage.
I love them.
So much.
Seriously if you haven't heard their music they are definitely worth a listen.
And they're sexy....haha so bonus ;)
Thompson Square was ok....I mean I definitely wouldn't have put them before Florida-Georgia Line...but I don't get to make that call haha, but they sold me when they sang "Glass" and "If I Didn't Have You" I'm a sucker for a good love song.
And then finally Luke Bryan hit the stage and the screaming and singing along commenced. 
I'm always a little bit afraid that my favorite artists aren't going to be as good live, but Luke was incredible live. He stayed on pitch, he was entertaining and he gave one hell of a show!
The best part however, was about midway through the concert these two guys come up to us and ask if we wanted to go down to the pit right next to the stage. At first we just thought they were hitting on us and then we saw security badges on them and we couldn't handle our excitement.
They put the orange pit bracelets on us and we sprinted towards the stage, running over concert goers like it was our job!
We got literally five feet away from Luke Bryan. And yes I'm the girl that says "HE TOUCHED MY HANDS" because he did. And it was amazing.
Best concert ever!
I'm still expecting to wake up and find out that this whole weekend was a dream.
I love my life.
And every song that Luke played was every song that I wanted to hear live. The universe was definitely on my side that night!
Definitely one of the best nights of my life and I'm so glad that I got to spend it with some of my very best friends in the entire world.


I sure do love these ladies


That's just Luke Bryan behind us. NBD!



And since starting this post my Utes beat the Cougars for the fourth straight year in the Holy War.
Proud of my boys in red tonight.
It was one hell of a game!

I'm loving life this weekend.
Much love my friends.

Monday, September 16, 2013

A little perspective....

     The other day I was blessed to meet an incredible individual. I was sitting in the library, doing homework and wasting time {unfortunately more of the latter} when this girl caught my eye. Now normally I enjoy people watching, but I am very careful about out right staring at them. Usually I can just watch them out of the corner of my eye or from behind my computer screen because I realize that just down right staring is rude. I couldn't take my eyes off of this girl.

     She was absolutely beautiful. One of those girls that I automatically hated her when she sat down at the same table as me because she was so pretty. I was jealous. She was the kind of pretty that when she came into a room girls held onto their men a little tighter. Being a girl, I gave her the perfunctory once over to establish just how much I hated her as she sat down.

     What caught my eye were her arms. When she took off her trendy blazer I saw that her arms were criss-crossed with ugly red scars and pale white scars with one absolutely frightening one straight down the middle of her forearm. I'm embarrassed to say that she caught me staring and while I expected her move her arms so as to hide her scars, she just smiled at me and said, "Don't feel bad for staring, I don't blame you." She wasn't embarrassed by her scars, that's not to say that she was proud of them either. I asked her if it would be totally out of line for me to ask about, especially since I was a total and complete stranger. Luckily she seemed to be pretty open about it and invited me to ask away.

     I couldn't seem to stop myself from asking "Why?". Why did such a beautiful girl feel the need to have ever done that? And that question led into a very interesting conversation with this fascinating individual (for ease of writing the rest of this post I'm going to call her Sara...which isn't her real name of course). Sara explained that her self harm stemmed from low self esteem and an abusive relationship that she had been trapped in. She said that she had a hard time coping with the abuse and with the lack of support that she was finding in her home life that she turned to cutting because it was both a release and because the pain that came from it distracted her. Eventually she reached the point where she felt so trapped and so hopeless that she slit up her arms instead of across in an effort to take her own life. She was lucky that her best friend knew something was up and came just in time to save Sara's life.

     Because her friend knew her so well, Sara is alive today and was able to get the help that she needed. She explained to me that the hospital put her into contact with a support group that helped her to come to the place that she is at today. She said that she isn't proud of her scars but now when she looks at them she sees where she has been and where she will never go again. Sara then showed me a small tattoo on her left wrist, it was a semi-colon. Now I have heard of the semi-colon movement in passing when one of my psych classes went over the psychology of self harm. Their main message was that your story didn't end where you thought it would/or tried to end it. It goes on.

     Sara fascinated me. On the outside and at a glance she seemed pulled together (which in a way I know that she is), in her trendy outfit and designer label sunglasses. Had I just walked past her on the street I never would have guessed that she had been through something like that. It struck me that you don't really know anyone...we've all heard that old cliche that you can't judge a book by it's cover; but today I was struck by how true that can be.
     What will it hurt me to be a little more pleasant in my dealings with people around me? Not everyone has scars that we can see and we don't know what kind of battle they are fighting every day. So here's to a kinder world and thank you Sara for opening my eyes. I feel incredibly blessed to have met her.

Monday, September 2, 2013

We'll Fight for Dear Old Crimson

     First week of school is in the books and it's safe to say that I'm pretty sure I am going to love my new major! I have relatively enjoyed my classes so far (only a week in...fingers crossed I still feel this way in 15 weeks) and if not the class then I have liked my professors. Best part of being a communication major? We aren't afraid to talk to each other, it makes class so much more enjoyable when you can talk to people and get to know them. And I have a couple of classes with my best friend so that doesn't hurt either. I'm hoping that I continue to love my classes...

     First week of school also brings the first week of football. (Who's shocked that this post ended up discussing football?? No one? Ok....). I love the feeling of college football game day; there's no better high in the world (other than my Ravens winning the Super Bowl; that was a pretty awesome high, still is). Tailgating, heading into the stadium, watching my favorite boys in red stretch and run through warm ups, taking pictures, the Muss; it all adds up to my most favorite time of the year. Even better is when we play another in state school. Now granted, we don't view Utah State as a huge rival...if I can even use the word rival seriously, they are the little brother after all, but there is still a different energy in the stadium when the opposing team is from the same state.

     Personally I hate Utah State, but that stems from many, many. many run ins with less than classy people that are sad enough to believe that that school is superior, so I had a lot riding on this game. However, I do not, nor will I ever trash talk a team before the game because I absolutely hate having to eat my words just in case the unthinkable happens and my boys lose. Happily my Utes won, and I really enjoyed that win. It was adorable that USU fans really thought they were going to win. Nice try little brother.

    I was proud of those boys during that game. They never once gave up, even when it looked like they were going to lose. It wasn't a pretty win, but a win is a win and this one was important because of what happened last year. I was also proud of the Muss. Sometimes we don't always act the way that we should as football fans but when the USU quarterback got hurt we didn't cheer, we didn't whoop, we were as quiet as a student section gets and we clapped politely when he walked off the field under his own power. Take notes guys. You do not cheer when a quarterback (or any player for that matter) doesn't get right back up and you sure as hell do not cheer when they cannot get off the field under their own power. There is nothing more disgusting to me than when a crowd cheers when a player gets hurt; I do not care how much you hate that player or even if the player is a bad person on or off the field, if they are hurt and can't get back up you stay silent. It's a respect thing. Give respect to get respect.

     That's a rant that I have every season...professional, collegiate, high school...everyone should understand how to act as a fan. I was repulsed when the USU student section cheered when Wynn was injured last year. If a player is writhing in obvious pain on the field you DO NOT CHEER. I'm done ranting now...I promise; it's just my number one pet peeve when it comes to football. Overall I am proud of how our fans and our players acted in this game, I am proud that just about every fan kept their butts in their seats until the final whistle blew, and I am proud to be a Ute.

     And to make things a little more light-hearted I'm going to share a few of my favorite shots from Thursday night's win.

Stripe the Stadium was sick

Throw up that U

Who am I sir? Utah man am I!
Missed these boys

30-26 Utah.

     I am so looking forward to this season and this semester.

Love Always and Go Utes!