Did you know that a flock of ravens is actually called an unkindess of ravens? Kind of like a flock of crows is called a murder of crows....
Yeah me either....thank you One Tree Hill for that little tid bit of random trivia.
I really should be sleeping...or trying to sleep...or at least doing something a lot more productive than sitting here doing nothing...but it is me after all and this is what I do...I blog when I'm avoiding things...such as sleep in this case.
Anywhoosers...being the raging Ravens fan that I am, I actually thought that that was really cool.
An Unkindness of Ravens.
It just sounds B.A.
I love my Ravens...a lot. People who don't even know me all that well know that about me.
I couldn't even tell you why I love them so much.
I just do.
They're my team. They've always been my team. And they always will be my team.
Simple as that.
They've never been a team that has fancy wins. They just aren't. They sneak in and they battle in the trenches for each and every W.
Which I respect them for.
And I'm a big fan of the black and purple team colors ;) if I were to be totally and completely honest with you.
This Sunday is one of the best games in all of football season...well at least for me.
As a Raven...I hate the Steelers...I hate everything about them. So last season's sweep of them was one of the greatest things ever.
I'm so looking forward to this game, it is always a great game to watch and I can't wait to see how each team performs against each other.
It is one of the most passionate rivalries in the NFL.
And I can't wait to support my favorite boys in purple as they defeat Pitt!!
And to end this rather random and semi-short post I will leave you with one of my most favorite One Tree Hill quotes:
"Some people believe that ravens guide travelers to their destinations. Others believe that the sight of a solitary raven is considered good luck, but a group of ravens predicts trouble ahead. And a raven right before battle promises victory."
Have a fantastic rest of your week my friends
Much love,
PS and since it is my Utes last home game this season I must say GO UTES!!