Friday, November 16, 2012

An Unkindness of Ravens

Did you know that a flock of ravens is actually called an unkindess of ravens? Kind of like a flock of crows is called a murder of crows....
Yeah me either....thank you One Tree Hill for that little tid bit of random trivia.
I really should be sleeping...or trying to sleep...or at least doing something a lot more productive than sitting here doing nothing...but it is me after all and this is what I do...I blog when I'm avoiding things...such as sleep in this case.
Anywhoosers...being the raging Ravens fan that I am, I actually thought that that was really cool.
An Unkindness of Ravens.
It just sounds B.A.
I love my Ravens...a lot. People who don't even know me all that well know that about me.
I couldn't even tell you why I love them so much.
I just do.
They're my team. They've always been my team. And they always will be my team.
Simple as that.
They've never been a team that has fancy wins. They just aren't. They sneak in and they battle in the trenches for each and every W.
Which I respect them for.
And I'm a big fan of the black and purple team colors ;) if I were to be totally and completely honest with you.
This Sunday is one of the best games in all of football season...well at least for me.
As a Raven...I hate the Steelers...I hate everything about them. So last season's sweep of them was one of the greatest things ever.
I'm so looking forward to this game, it is always a great game to watch and I can't wait to see how each team performs against each other.
It is one of the most passionate rivalries in the NFL.
And I can't wait to support my favorite boys in purple as they defeat Pitt!!
And to end this rather random and semi-short post I will leave you with one of my most favorite One Tree Hill quotes:
"Some people believe that ravens guide travelers to their destinations. Others believe that the sight of a solitary raven is considered good luck, but a group of ravens predicts trouble ahead. And a raven right before battle promises victory."
Have a fantastic rest of your week my friends

Much love,

PS and since it is my Utes last home game this season I must say GO UTES!!

Friday, November 9, 2012

Who am I sir? A UTAH MAN AM I. Utah man sir, will be 'til I die!

Well...woman...haha but you get my point with this blog title
The past couple of weeks have brought some major changes, both in my own personal experience and in the nation as a whole.
And while a lot of these changes are scary and some aren't that bad...they all have one thing in common:
They have made me extremely grateful to be who I am and grateful to be where I am.

Three years ago I made the best decision I could have ever made.
I chose the University of Utah. 
I chose to become a Ute.

And to be honest I had no idea that I would love it as much as I have.
I will be real with you all here...I was raised a BYU cougar....I know I know...but everyone has skeletons in their closet haha ;) But I found the light and boy am I glad that I did!!
So choosing the U was a little bit of surprise for my very much Cougar blue family.
But my daddy graduated as a Ute so it's not like it was totally out of nowhere.
It was a difficult decision for me to choose the U. 
I was lucky enough to get into every school that I applied to, so I had some major decisions to make when the acceptance letters came in.
Choosing the U would, after all, mean that I wouldn't be moving out of my house as quickly as I would have had to had I chosen to go to any of those other schools. Choosing the U meant that I would be going to a state school, which pretentious high school senior me wasn't all that inclined to do.
But like any big decision I took it to the Lord, and after a LOT of praying no other school but the University of Utah felt right to me.
I was surprised as anyone when I expressed my decision. I applied to the U on a whim (not to be confused with a safety net school...I wasn't even sure I would get into any schools and being the daddy's girl that I am I wanted to apply to his alma mater because my getting in would make him really proud) so my choosing it over all the other schools was not an outcome I was expecting.
But that was the answer that I received and it was the best possible answer I could have ever gotten, and I feel so blessed to have been able to heed that answer.
I LOVE my school. I love being a Ute.
If I could go back to senior year of high school I would still make the same decision.
I have a hard time understanding why people would want to go to any other school, because the University of Utah has been such a major source of happiness in the past three years for me.
I'm basically obsessed with everything Utah and I truly believe that we are the best school in Utah bar none.
I mean to each their own I guess...but Utah Utes will always be dominant ;)
I am a proud Ute and I am grateful to be able to say that I will always be a proud Ute...even if my graduation date has been pushed a little further back than I would have liked.
I love my school, I love my boys in red and I love my new major!
Good luck to those boys in red as they take on Washington in their second to last away game of the season.
Kill those Huskies!
"So fill your lungs and sing it out and shout it to the sky,
I'll fight for dear old Crimson for a UTAH. MAN. AM I!!

Much love,

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Wabbit Season! Duck Season! Wabbit Season! Duck Season...Fire!

This is what election season always ALWAYS makes me think of.
Nobody really knows what direction is up, which candidate they truly want to put their support behind and someone always ends up with their beak shot off (metaphorically speaking of course haha)
It never ceases to amaze me how hurtful people can be to one another over politics.
I'm no saint myself...I have been caught up in a spirited political debate once or twice where I have resorted to cheap shots that I wasn't proud of. 
Really though...people get so worked up over who is right and who is wrong that they stop listening to each other and just fight for the sake of fighting...and truly that makes me a little ill.
I was raised to respect the office of the president, no matter who the man or the woman (hopefully that'll happen in this nation soon) is. Because they are, after all, our Commander in Chief, head honcho, the big cheese...and any other cliched euphemisms for leader you can think of.
The president is the leader of this nation that we all love...doesn't that demand our respect?
Even if we don't absolutely love the person holding the office, shouldn't we at least give them our respect for even wanting the job?
Have you ever thought about the job of being the president of the United States of America? I mean sure, we are the greatest nation on earth but that doesn't mean we don't have our fair share of problems.
Personally I think being president would get blamed for everything that goes wrong even when there's no legal way for it to be your fault, and when things go right credit is never fully attributed to you.
Truly the job of being president is not one on my list of things I want to be when I grow up.
I will always support the office of the president. 
I'll be honest here, I was really hoping that Obama would not be re-elected but the chips have fallen and I will suck it up and support my president.
(Although the t-shirts that say "Hey don't blame me, I voted for Romney" might need to appear in my closet)
This is a choice nation my friends, don't ever forget that. The Lord has blessed this nation in crazy ways since the Revolutionary War and He won't abandon us now. 
It's a little silly to attribute the results of this election to a sign of the apocalypse...and yet I have seen people do that very thing. 
Truly would He allow an outcome that isn't in His plan for this nation?
I don't think so.
To be born in this nation and to be able to have the right to vote for our leaders is an amazing thing; and I for one feel extremely grateful to have been able to exercise my right as an American citizen, sure the results weren't what I was hoping for but that's ok. 
The thing I'm most concerned about is how I see people around me treating each other based on political affiliation...just because someone doesn't believe as you do or supports a different party than you does not automatically qualify them as stupid or evil...truly we all need to watch what we say and give respect. After all you get same amount of respect that you give.
I just want to end this little bit of a political rant with this statement:
 United we stand, divided we fall.
Cliche I know...but just think about it...

Much love,

P.S. now that the election is over you all can turn your votes to what really matters...
Go Ravens ;)