Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Here's a secret about Lindsey that most people don't know....I'm extremely competitive. Most of the time I don't let that side shine through because I don't find it very attractive at all and it makes me say things that normally I end up regretting...so three seasons out of the year I pretty much keep it under wraps. But there is one season that makes it difficult to stay on the non-competitive side of things; that season my friends is football season...I get really involved...especially when my teams start losing...

Sooooooooo this past weekend? Depressing to say the least.

I mean my Utes lost to Cal... and my Ravens lost.... to the Jaguars of all teams...just no comment there.....
It was rather depressing overall.

Luckily this coming week is a fresh start for all of them.
And friends, it should be a great week.
Utes play Oregon State at home on Saturday (ps our MUSS blackout shirts are awesome!!! So excited!!)
and the Ravens face off against the Cardinals.
Should be an interesting set of games

Good luck boys!
<3 Go Utes and Go Ravens! <3

Monday, October 10, 2011

Get Psyched!!!

Who likes music???
Silly question...everyone likes music.

Well dear friends its football season! And I have decided to make an epic playlist to get psyched before games!
Mostly it consists of a new guilty pleasure of mine: Classic Rock.
So without further ado...here it is...My Get Psyched playlist for Football season!

  1. I Wanna Rock - Twisted Sister
  2. We Will Rock You - Queen
  3. You Shook Me All Night Long - AC/DC
  4. Hot Blooded - Foreigner
  5. You Give Love a Bad Name - Bon Jovi
  6. Bad Reputation - Joan Jett and the Blackhearts
  7. We're Not Gonna Take It - Twisted Sister
  8. Eye of the Tiger - Survivor
  9. Cherry Pie - Warrant
  10. Back in Black - AC/DC
  11. Another One Bites the Dust - Queen
  12. I Love Rock 'N Roll - Joan Jett and the Blackhearts
  13. Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap - AC/DC
  14. Rock You Like A Hurricane - Scorpion
  15. Come On Feel The Noise - Quiet Riot
  16. Highway to Hell - AC/DC
  17. Pour Some Sugar On Me - Def Leppard
  18. Hit Me With Your Best Shot - Pat Benetar
Alright....so it's all basically classic rock...But promise this playlist will psych you up!
Shout out to How I Met Your Mother (greatest show in the world...I tweaked Barney's Get Psyched playlist to fit my favorite songs)

Get psyched my friends, get psyched!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Go Utes?

Anyone that knows my family well (and even some people that don't know us too well but have met my big brother Matt) know that the BYU Cougars are important in this house.
If my brothers could...they'd bleed BYU blue.

However....I go to the U.


But I figure "Hey, my daddy went to the U as did his dad and a few other members of my family, so it's all good right?"


Still gets a little uncomfortable when someone obnoxiously says "Go Utes!" or "hey, hey, hey....54-10" when my brother is around {that someone being me of course ;) and I really just do it for the reaction...hehe it's on purpose. promise I am only a little evil}

But I digress....

Yesterday I went to my very first Utah football game as a part of the MUSS

and I am pleased to report that it was a friggin good time! {Even though it was a loss it was still fun!}

By going I made one grandpa very proud of me {shout out to Grandpa Smith!} and one grandpa just smack his face with his palm {It's ok though, because Grandpa Renstrom still loves me :) } 

I had tons and tons of fun cheering on the Utes from the MUSS even if I did get confoosed a couple of times {hey give me a break the last college football game I went to was Cougar football, I'll get it down soon though promise!!}
MUSS with this girl = PARTY!

Go Utes?

Lexi and I are D. Coke best friends for life!

Diet Coke gets me through the losses....

Mad, mad skill


Yeesh Washington TD in the first 20 seconds.....not so good
At least that's what my face is saying ;)

We can be cute in a picture!!

I like this one lots actually haha

Starting to love my Utes <3

I'm super excited for next week's game!